Internship in Spanish

Course Taught By: Dr. Lina Reznicek-Parrado

Course ID: SPAN 3997

Meeting Times: Wednesday & Friday, 10:00 - 11:50 AM

Course Description: This course serves as curricular, intellectual, and professional support to a 10-week Spanish internship. Students will be matched to an internship with a community partner (private or public agency, institutional office, non-profit or community organizer) whose mission aligns with students’ professional aspirations in a variety of disciplines. Through the exploration of notions in critical service-learning, students will be given the opportunity to reflect upon their own positionality and its implications for issues in social justice, equity and linguistic diversity as they participate in an internship site. Students are expected to mobilize their linguistic skills in Spanish as part of the experience, and especially as part of their role in supporting community partners explore and understand better ways to serve Spanish-speaking communities across the Denver Metro area. Students will engage with readings, workshops, reflections and a portfolio that showcases their community-engaged work while furthering an understanding of the sociolinguistic implications of Spanish as a U.S. language which is spoken and used in a variety of communities across Denver. An end-of-term showcase will be expected as part of participation in this course. Internship hours will range between 7 and 10 weekly. 


SPAN 2200, SPAN 2250, or SPAN 2400


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